We started off with a shot of Jameson 12-year at the new Kieran's Irish Pub downtown (always a great way to start the day)... then we filmed the music video for our new song, "Minnesota Porn." The song (lyrics by Bunny, music by me), was intended for limited distribution to porn stars from Minnesota in the effort to get ourselves on the Adult Video Network Awards, but we decided to make a video and offer the song as a free download on our site. You can get it here! Also, the City Pages already did a little write-up about it! We're so famous now.
We filmed the video in Sex World (with permission!), a wonderfully seedy adult store (is that a redundancy?) in downtown Minneapolis... the same place with the golden hard-on ride, which of course, we utilized for many fun shots. Bunny's idea for the video was a la the last few minutes of Richard Linklater's Slacker, where we all had a camera and took footage around the store that he edited together (took him all night Saturday night! That's what I love about Bunny: he gets obsessed with something and has the insane perseverance to see it through till the end). We think we may have broken the law by us both being in the masturbation booth when we were filming the middle bridge stuff. One of the employees came to tell us that we can only have one person to a booth and then exclaimed, "I'M JUST DOING MY JOB, MAN." Okee. No one bothered us after that. Although, I have to say it was weird filming in a room with these booths (some of them even had live girls) where, behind closed stall doors, you could see mens' feet: evidence that they were jerking themselves off a foot away from you. At one point, I clasped my fingers on the underside of one of the stools in the booths and I swear I squished into some goopy lube (I HOPE that's what it was). Thankfully, each booth comes equipped with paper towels and hand sanitizer!
After the shoot, we unwound at Runyon's, a Minneapolis staple to which I had never been, and Bunny & Coco showed me their double spit-take:
Saturday night we met with Andrea Swensson from the City Pages to buy her a little gratitude drink for the last write-up she did about us. We met at the Monte Carlo, a quasi-swanky joint that reminded me of the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. The waitresses wore maid outfits and the waiters and bussers wore white shirts and black bowties, like they were our servants. The walls were papered in hideous hunter green with large pink flowers (there were stripes in there too) and the ceiling was too high and the lighting was obnoxious. There was this huge wall of liquor, but my back was to it the whole time, so I didn't get to enjoy its wonder:

After we parted ways with Andrea, I decided I wanted sushi, so we headed to Origami to meet up with Amber Preston, a local comic extraordinaire whom we adore, to talk to her about touring and also to invite her to perform on our up-and-coming Bryant Lake Bowl monthly show.
(You can vote for Amber in the "Help Flo" competition here)
When we walked into Origami, there was a table of five people, one of whom was a dude that put his hand out to shake mine and ask if we were playing a show that night (I had my banjo on my back and we were all dressed in our Dirty Curls garb). He proclaimed he was playing a show at the Cabooze and I asked what band. "Shooter Jennings," he replied. "Cool," I said, not realizing that Shooter Jennings is Waylon Jennings' son. I didn't actually meet Shooter, I met the dude on the far left in that weird trippy link, but still pretty cool. I like having no idea who people are. It brings 'em down a level and also helps to keep me from feeling nervous and unworthy.
And that... was my May 1st.
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