It's been about 7 months since my last trip back to my ole stomping grounds. A friend left this on my Facebook.
My last trip, which was arguably my favorite trip back to New York since I moved, has seemed to satiate me for a while. Though I definitely have to make it back again at some point this year.
But first? I'm going to New Orleans in a little over a month for the first time ever! I'm thrilled. Bunny & Coco (my bandmates) used to live there and they've convinced me that it might just be the best place on earth. Why am I going? SQUEENSTOCK! Dan & Yvonne are getting married!
(Remember Courtstock? Jackstock? Backstock? Reidstock?)
Then, in July, I'm finally, FINALLY going to Amsterdam. FINALLY!! Well, presuming that my flight through Iceland isn't affected by what is happening now, which, it might very well be.
New Orleans IS the best place on earth. I hope you love it as much as we do!