An Extensive List Of Things I've Done

Apr 16, 2010

A Better Woman Than I Ever Have Been

Do you guys 'member when I would squeal about moving to Minnesota a lot? Like in an ungrateful "what is the world doing to me?" kinda way? I won't remind you any further than that (okay, fine... for those of you that wanna know the old me, I've reopened The Brash Lion Roars for ya. There's nothing new there, though).

I've long since changed my tune.

Living in Minnesota is by no means a permanent thing, but it totally doesn't suck. In fact, it's the opposite of suck; it's been an incredibly weird and awesome 2.5 years so far. I have been more productive and creative and confident here than in any other place, but I'm not glossing over the fact that I'm also older and quite possibly wiser too.

Also? I cooked a Mexican Hotdish.


  1. You just motivated me to cook. Or go out for Mexican. Either way it's gonna be yummy in my tummy. ;)


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