An Extensive List Of Things I've Done

May 13, 2011

And Now The Most Predictable Thing I Have Said So Far This Year

I loved "Bridesmaids." Loved, loved, loved it. Aside from a few little nitpicky things, I found it to be damn near perfect. My nitpicky things aren't even worth talking about. It was an authentic, funny, and loving to tribute to women's relationships with just enough romantic comedy sprinkled in to make the theater go "awww..." a few times.

There are so many fantastic scenes and dialogue exchanges, some outlandish expressions of the typical middle-class white girl's inner monologue (I can only speak for my own experience, but I do assume the new vs. old best friend jealousy pervades many a woman's mindspace during these kinds of events), principal characters who all have AT LEAST THREE layers of depth (the main characters much more). THREE!

At some point during the final 20 minutes or so of the film, a woman in our theater could not stop laughing. She said that, between gasping laughter, "I can't stop." At first it was weird and slightly annoying. And then the rest of us were infected. I wanted to watch the tender moments that were happening on screen and I couldn't because I was crying from laughing so hard. Some people around us did not catch it, but my friend was hitting me she couldn't stop laughing either. It was a wonderful moment.

"Bridesmaids" is the movie that made me laugh the hardest I have laughed in a long time. I identified with it, I got it, it was made for me. Just like Liz Lemon is made for women like me. Kristen Wiig, I salute you. And you, Judd Apatow. And everyone involved on this film.

I don't have to link the trailer here; you can find it. I can't wait to see it again. I think I'm going to make the Leading Man see it with me. And if you have the slightest inclination to see this movie, do. It needs your support. Movies that are honest, truthful representations of women being funny, jealous, insecure, ridiculous, forgiving, loving, and real people need to be made more often. Maybe they are and I just don't see them or they don't get the marketing "Bridesmaids" has, but I doubt it.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Kristen Wiig is amazing.

    2. "No! She does NOT get a party favor!"

    3. "It needs your support." Considering it opened last night and I've already heard two people gush about it (and gushed about it myself), I'm betting it doesn't. (But your friends should see it anyway.)


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